讲座预告 | The Structure of Research Teams and Scientific Outputs
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The Structure of Research Teams and Scientific Outputs
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会议ID:871 2559 2985
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The advance of science today is characterized by a productivity dilemma—the fast growth in the number of scientists and publications but slow expansion of new concepts and ideas. This diminishing returns of science has triggered concerns on whether science is stagnant. Here we reveal a related social phenomenon—the increasing dominance of “tall teams” working on evaluating existing ideas, as “flat teams” who are more capable of searching for new ideas, diminish in prevalence. We analyze nearly 96,000 author contribution statements from papers published in four reputable journals over 15 years, including Nature, Science, PNAS, and PLOS ONE. We identify two team roles, “brain” and “muscle,” who contribute to idea search—designing research and writing papers, and evaluation—implementing experiments, analyzing data, drawing figures, etc., respectively. As designing and writing activities produce references, we proposed and verified “knowledge exchange index,” a novel measure that identifies “brains” who actively contribute to the collective references based on their individual knowledge. In this way, we infer and analyze the effect of "flat" and "tall" teams in 18 million scientific papers published in the past 70 years.
主讲人:Fengli Xu
Fengli Xu is a postdoc fellow in the Knowledge Lab and Mansueto Institute for Urban Innovation in University of Chicago. His research interest lies in computational social science and science of science. He currently focuses on understanding and modeling the collective intelligence of scientific teams.
美国芝加哥大学社会学博士,现任浙江大学新百人计划研究员(第二类)。研究兴趣包括经济社会学和计算社会学中的如下一些议题: 垄断问题,生产组织如何应对不确定性,文化类市场的组织结构, 时尚与创新,市场流动性的社会结构,文化系统变革的内生动力等。已有研究发表在Poetics, 社会学研究等期刊上。